YouYu Electric Heating

Domestic Project
Chongqing Strawberry Garden Seedling Soil Insulation Project

Project Name: Chongqing Strawberry Garden Seedling Soil Insulation Project

Products: Heating cable

Strawberry planting in a strawberry garden in Chongqing requires a suitable temperature. In order to promote the growth of strawberries, the strawberry garden is equipped with a heating cable soil heating system, which can effectively increase the ground temperature, promote the growth and development of plant roots, and ensure the required temperature of the soil at the roots of strawberry seedlings.
      The heating cable soil heating system uses the heating principle of the heating cable to heat the roots or planting areas of plants, thereby forming a soil environment for plant growth that is not subject to changes in external temperature, and ultimately ensuring the normal growth of plants And evergreen purpose.
       The soil heating heating cable system can prevent the soil from freezing and the grass will be evergreen. Maintenance and repair costs are low, safe and reliable, and long service life. It has been widely used in soil heating for sports fields, squares, and garden lawns.The heating cable heating system is not limited by environmental conditions. It can be installed in any place where heating is required. It can be installed on the ground or on the wall or ceiling. It can heat the room, and it can also be used for anti-freezing and thermal insulation of the pipeline. Melting snow and ice on outdoor roads and roofs.